Is There A Procedure Process For A Same-Day Smile In Woodbury, MN?

three dental patients smiling with new dental implants.

There is a procedure process for a same-day smile in Woodbury, MN. No matter how many teeth people are missing, they can get the functional and beautiful new smile of their dreams in one appointment. Their restorative procedure experience will even be made comfortable and anxiety-free with sedation dentistry. Here is more information on what the procedure process looks like for a same-day smile. With same-day smile, you can live your life normally.


What Is The Procedure Process For Same-Day Smiles In Woodbury, MN?

While every person’s smile is unique and patients can get a customized same-day smile procedure, there is a standard same-day smile procedure process that dental professional will follow to give patients predictable and lasting results. The following are the steps that are taken in a typical same-day smile procedure process:

Consultation And Planning

The dental professional determining people’s candidacy for same-day smile procedures is a critical part of the journey to restore their tooth function, jawbone strength, and oral aesthetics. In general, people with missing teeth or severely damaged teeth must be in overall good health, have sufficient bone volume in their jaw, and be non-smokers to be a candidate for a same-day smile procedure.

With that being said, even those who are not immediate candidates for same-day smiles can become one with lifestyle changes, tooth extractions, and bone grafting procedures. When the patient is approved for a same-day smile procedure, the dental professional will use the digital images taken during their consultation to construct a surgical guide.

The surgical guide is a 3D tool that ensures each dental implant the patient needs will be properly and precisely placed. It will also be angled correctly for maximum dental implant stability and fusion with the bone around it. Surgical guides give patients added assurance that their dental implant placement surgery will be successful.

Accurately Placing The Dental Implants

After the patient is relaxed and comfortable, the dental professional will strategically and precisely place the tooth implants in the patient’s jawbone. If necessary, the dental professional will remove any failing teeth and then rely on the surgical guide to place the appropriate number of tooth implants in their jaw.

At this point, the dental professional will be able to attach the temporary prosthesis to the dental implants in the same surgical process, giving them a new smile in one day. With the same-day smile procedure, the patient will be able to smile, speak, and eat without having to worry about the temporary prosthesis slipping or falling out.

By getting treated with a same-day smile procedure, patients will never have to live with unstable traditional dentures or missing teeth again. In about three months, the patient will return to the dental professional to replace their temporary prosthesis with a final prosthesis. With a final prosthesis, patients will have a lasting, beautiful, and functional new smile.


See Us Now For Your Same-Day Smile

A same-day smile procedure can offer you the chance to fast-track your way towards your dental goals. You can finally replace your missing teeth and get the look you thought was out of reach with dental implants.

Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Mark W. Wilhelm and our exceptional team at our Imagine Your Smile office to schedule an appointment today!

Imagine Your Smile: Mark W. Wilhelm, DMD, MSD

Imagine Your Smile: Mark W. Wilhelm, DMD, MSD

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